Journal Title in ISSN.ORG : Bambuti : Bahasa Mandarin dan Kebudayaan Tiongkok
Editor in Chief :  Yulie Neila Chandra, SS, M.Hum
Editor and Reviewer :
  Editor Board | Reviewer
ISSN in LIPI : 2797-2232 (online) 
DOI Prefix (Crossref) : 10.53744/bambuti
Language : 
English (preferred); Indonesian
Subject Areas :
Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Culture, History and Literature | Focus and Scope
Publication Frequency : 2 issues per year (Mei and November)
Article Publising Charge : Journal APC
Journal Guidelines :  Author Guidelines |Publication Ethic
Journal Policies  :  Copyright | License | Open Access
Journal Indexing : Google Scholar | Garuda 

Bambuti : Bahasa Mandarin dan Kebudayaan Tiongkok is an national journal published by Program Studi Bahasa Mandarin dan Kebudayaan Tiongkok, Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya, Universitas Darma Persada, Indonesia. It covers all areas of Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Culture, History and Literature.

Bambuti : Bahasa Mandarin dan Kebudayaan Tiongkok aims to serve the interests of a wide range of thoughtful readers and academic scholars of China Studies, as well as politics, social, economic and others interested in the multidisciplinary study of China Studies