The Comparative Language Style at SOT and SOT’s Subtitle on Soft News DAAI Mandarin and Metro Xinwen

Komparatif Gaya Bahasa Pada SOT dan Takarir SOT Soft News DAAI Mandarin dan Metro Xinwen

  • Dwi Adyla Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Vivi Adryani Nasution, S.S., MTCSOL Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Comparative, Language Style, Soft News, DAAI Mandarin, Metro Xinwen


Nowadays, language style has entered a wider scope, included electronic journalism and also television news broadcast. This paper described and used language style according to Huang and friends (2012). This paper will discussed about the comparison of language style at soundbite on tape (SOT) and SOT’s subtitle on both soft news videos, is: DAAI Mandarin and Metro Xinwen. This paper’s goals is to find out the type of language style that contained in SOT and SOT’s subtitle on soft news DAAI Mandarin and Metro Xinwen. Data source using soft news video of television news broadcast. Research method used descriptive qualitative with observed data collection methods and note taking techniques for the data collection. The result of data analysis used three steps, is: data condensation, data presenting, and drawing conclusions. The results of data analysis are presented in the form of narrative explanation.

How to Cite
Adyla, D., & Adryani Nasution, S.S., MTCSOL, V. (2022). The Comparative Language Style at SOT and SOT’s Subtitle on Soft News DAAI Mandarin and Metro Xinwen. Bambuti, 3(2), 19-42.